Volunteer in Kenya
Experience the simple life
As a volunteer in Kenya, you get a unique opportunity to experience real cultural exchange. People from two cultures with vastly different economic and technological backgrounds learn from each other and achieve joint results.
You will definitely come home wiser from Kenya and have learned about the simple life of people who have never tried anything else, and at the same time you have passed something on to them yourself.

The start of the trip
The Kenya trip is an extension of the semester and lasts 6 weeks.
After the spring semester, there is departure immediately after the semester ends, and after the autumn semester, there is departure on one of the very first days of the new year.
Brenderup Højskole and the local association in Brenderup Project Cheptigit Primary School work closely together on the effort and on the development of the projects.
The tasks as a volunteer are not determined in advance. Before leaving for Kenya, we talk about what you think you can offer. If you are really handy with a screwdriver, paintbrush, PC use, sewing machines or just a caring person, it can be of great benefit to volunteering. The final tasks are agreed and planned together with Caroline when you have arrived at Cheptigit.
The destination
Throughout recent years, we have worked together with “Enlightenment for Cheptigit”, which is a day school project for adults. The project is associated with Cheptigit Primary School, which since 2015 has worked together with the local association Projekt Cheptigit Primary School here in Brenderup. Cheptigit is located in a poor rural area in northwestern Kenya approx. 30 km from the town of Eldoret.
Caroline, who is a former student at Brenderup Højskole, is the leader of the day school project, where she runs courses in computer use, sustainable agriculture, sewing, knitting and crocheting for adults in the local area.

“My trip to Kenya has been a deeply educational experience.
I have seen how different the world can be, both in positive and challenging aspects. The meeting with the locals has really opened my eyes to how much goodness exists, even in the most vulnerable neighborhoods and hard-hit areas. Their warmth and hospitality has made a great impression on me, and it has made me reflect on our different ways of life. It has reminded me of the importance of respecting everything you meet on your way.
The culture is so rich and diverse and it has been an honor to get an insight into it. My time in Kenya has changed my view of the world.“
May, Brenderup Højskole
Cheptigit Primary School
Cheptigit Primary School is a public school with approx. 500 students from babyclass to 9th grade.
Since the start of the project, several new classrooms have been built and work has been done on electricity and water supply. The head of the school has hired an experienced construction manager, as well as unemployed parents and former students to carry out the work, so that more families will get an income that way.
Although work has been done on the buildings since 2009, there is still a great deal of work to be done to make it possible to teach both children and adults that have not been started yet.
There are many tasks and challenges both with construction and the school work itself, so every effort is important for the locals.

Flights to Nairobi – Copenhagen return cost approx. 5,000 kr.
Stay and food at the hotel (approx. 1.000 kr/week) and a total of approx. 6,000 kr.
Visa costs approx. 400 kr
In addition, you must count on the costs of vaccinations. It varies a lot depending on which vaccinations you already have.
You must also have extended travel insurance for the trip.
As we are not doing this trip to make money, the price is very dependent on the price of plane tickets.
Sustainable agriculture
One of the important projects is to promote sustainable agriculture together with a group of local women, so that self-sufficiency can be ensured. The financial conditions are very changeable, so being able to secure food for the children every day is a big deal. The crops are not the same as in Denmark, but the principles from e.g. permaculture, which you can learn here at Brenderup Højskole, can be transferred, both in planning and in practical work.

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