The surprising subject

Krop og sind

Free your mind, blow your mind

A subject like no other. It’s not about following a set plan, but about following you.
You are the center, and together we create a journey filled with creativity, play and self-development.


Meet the teacher

Danni Sell

Danni disrupt our world and reality every Monday night with a big pile of good energy. Danni does Yoga, sound and body exercises and much more with all of us every Monday evening. Danni’s teaching MUST be experienced and you are guaranteed to experience new sides of yourself and laugh a lot.

Danni lives in a small community with his family in Bro, very close to Brenderup. He makes a living by doing concerts and performances.

The subject

As our teacher Danni says: “Have a fuck feeling without giving a fuck.”  This means that we start from within. To understand the world around us, we must first find the peace and strength within ourselves. Only when we dare to be honest with ourselves we can face the world without prejudice and with an open mind.

A creative play laboratory

At The Surprising Subject, we create a safe space where you can explore, fail and learn without fear. We give you tools and theories for self-development, but in a way that makes you laugh, move and see life from new angles. Because life is not that serious – and mistakes are a natural part of being human. Here it is about finding joy and strength in the imperfect.

What can you expect?

You never quite know what to expect – because the teaching is based on you and your journey. But we promise that you will have experiences that push your limits and challenge you to think differently.

We will learn about:

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Mind and Body training
  • Voice training
  • Contact improvisation
  • Dance and movement
  • Art and creativity
  • Play with sound, e.g. with loop station, bodybox, beatbox and words.
  • Performance

“I loved everything about the subject – it was probably the one that surprised me the most in a positive way. Danny is an amazing teacher who makes everyone feel included and safe!”
Student, Brenderup Højskole 2024

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Do you want to know more about our other subjects?

Read more about them here

Det gode liv fag


Kreativ Fremtid


Grønne fingre


Brendere i verden

Traveling Brendere

Krop og sind

Body and Mind