
Hvem er Brenderup Højskole

A Folk High school with a focus on sustainability

Brenderup Højskole belongs in the circle of newer Folk High schools. It was founded in 1986 as the Nordic Folk High school for Peace in Brenderup Gl. Guest farm. Back then, it was peace education that was particularly in focus. It was a time when popular peace demonstrations were the spearhead in the fight for a peaceful world, and the Folk High school was then in the front line.

Today, the time is different. Without forgetting our roots, we work from a conviction that modern peace work is primarily between people. Communities across cultures, nationalities and sustainable values ​​are in focus at Brenderup Højskole. At Brenderup Højskole, we therefore have a long tradition of inviting students from all over the world. In the meeting between Danish and foreign students.

Brenderup Højskole acts as a general Grundtvig Folk High school, which places a high value on sustainable commitment, through the many aspects of life.

Brenderup Højskole’s logo represents the dandelion. The core of the flower describes the students’ togetherness at the school. The circle is uneven, and shows the diversity and diversity. Over time, we see people at the school developing through their stay, therefore symbolizing the arms with the seed, the students’ journey from young flower to seeds that is ready to fly to new destinations in the world.

Hvem er Brenderup Højskole

Where you step your foot, seeds of the dreams you are driven towards are sprinkled.”

– Jens Sejer Andersen

Everyday life at Brenderup

Brenderup Højskole is a place where there is room for curiosity, wonder and reflection. It is a Danish Folk High school where everyone can participate, regardless of educational background, to learn more about life and themselves, through and together with others.

We believe that through morning assemblies, joint subjects, lectures and debates, people are formed and precisely for this reason, these joint subjects are also prioritized throughout a semester at the school. It is the students at the school who are largely involved in the planning and execution of the many good ideas that often arise. This could be, for example, winter bathing, parties, movie nights, sauna and bonfire evenings or skydiving.

Hverdagen på højskole

We participate in the Erasmus+ project ”Teaching Organic Literacy in Grundtvigian style”

We are co-coordinators and participate directly with students in DRC Dansk Flygtningehjælp national collection.

We have a bronze medal in organic food, and eat vegetarian.

We work to strengthen personal development through professional immersion and broad general education in a vibrant community.
We participate in the Erasmus+ project ”Teaching Organic Literacy in Grundtvigian style”

We only use environmentally approved agents in our cleaning.

We teach rainwater abstraction and groundwater saving lifestyles

We heat the school with a CO2 neutral pellet stove and have installed solar panels.

In our offgrid house you can experience an everyday life 100% independent of fossil fuels.

We work to provide an understanding of the importance of the individual’s commitment to society’s political and ecological development.

We are building a bridge between the local community and the new, sustainable district in Brenderup.

We teach sustainable construction.
We teach design based on recycling.
We have a Free-shop with clothes, shoes and books.
We sort all our waste.

We teach students from many different countries about sustainable initiatives and opportunities.

We heat the school with a CO2 neutral pellet stove and have installed solar panels.

We are active in plogging (“pluck up + jogging”) to prevent plastic from reaching the sea.

We teach organic gardening, permaculture and slow food.

We work to provide an understanding of the importance of the individual’s commitment to society’s political and ecological development.

We have students from many different countries and cultures. We teach cultural understanding.

We collaborate with DFUNK (Danish Refugee Council Youth), Grobund Brenderup, Brenderup Sermathang Friendship Association and AFS Interkultur.
We are part of the Folk High Schools’ Sustainability Network.

Global goals and sustainability strategy

We use the UN’s Global Goals for sustainable development as an inspiration in everyday life and teaching, and have themed days and project weeks on sustainability.

We want to be 100% sustainable.

Vi deltager i Erasmus+ projektet ”Teaching Organic Literacy in Grundtvigian style”

Vi er medkoordinator og deltager aktivt med elever i Dansk Flygtningehjælps Landsindsamling.

Vi har bronzemærket i økologisk mad og spiser vegetarisk min. 3 dage om ugen.

Vi arbejder for at styrke den personlige udvikling gennem faglig fordybelse og bred almendannende undervisning i et levende fællesskab
Vi deltager i Erasmus+ projektet ”Teaching Organic Literacy in Grundtvigian style”

Vi bruger kun miljøgodkendte midler i vores rengøring.
Vi underviser i regnvandsindvinding og grundvandsbesparende livsstil.

Vi varmer skolen op med et CO2 neutralt pillefyr og har installeret solpaneler.
I vores offgrid-hus kan man opleve en hverdag 100% uafhægig af fossile brændstoffer.

Vi arbejder for at give forståelse for vigtigheden af den enkeltes engagement i samfundets politiske og økologiske udvikling.
Vi bygger bro mellem lokalsamfundet og den nye, bæredygtige bydel i Brenderup.

Vi underviser i bæredygtigt byggeri.
Vi underviser i genbrugsdesign.
Vi har en Free-shop med tøj, sko og bøger.
Vi sorterer alt vores affald.

Vi underviser elever fra mange forskellige lande i bæredygtige tiltag og muligheder.
Vi varmer skolen op med et CO2 neutralt pillefyr og har installeret solpaneler.

Vi er aktive i plogging (”plocka upp + jogging”) for at forhindre plastik i at nå i havet.

Vi underviser i økologisk havebrug, permakultur og slow food.

Vi arbejder for at give forståelse for vigtigheden af den enkeltes engagement i samfundets politiske og økologiske udvikling.
Vi har elever fra mange forskellige lande og kulturer. Vi underviser i kulturforståelse. 

Vi samarbejder med DFUNK (Dansk Flygtningehjælp Ungdom), Grobund Brenderup, Brenderup Sermathang Venskabsforening og AFS Interkultur.
Vi er med i Højskolernes Bæredygtigheds Netværk.

The meals are an important part of our togetherness

We serve green and varied food, and constantly work to use as many sustainable and organic ingredients as possible. It is important for us to create calm and respect around the dinner table. Therefore, the food is presented, and we enjoy it together in the dining room, with a focus on togetherness and conversation. Here, the digital world through our phones is not welcome. We want to focus on the conversation in the room and not through a screen when we eat together. Food is not just fuel, it must be enjoyed with others.

Frokost på brenderup højskole
Fag på brenderup højskole
Do you want a tour of the school?

If you want to experience Brenderup Højskole on Fyn, contact us on phone 64442414.

On a tour, you can get a sense of what the atmosphere is like at the school, which students live at the school, and if you want, you are also welcome to join us for lunch, or participate in some of the school’s classes. In this way, you get a good insight into what awaits you during your upcoming stay at university.

Brenderup Højskole